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बुधवार, 2 जुलाई 2008

Who is Ben Watts

Born in London fashion and celebrity photographer Ben Watts stumbled upon his love for photography through some elective courses in the Sydney College of Arts. While Watts had initially planned on studying graphic design, he soon got distracted with his camera.
Watts got started while working the door at a night club in Sydney. With so many beautiful faces and notable people, he was able to shop around his portfolio and land work as a photographer. Soon Watts was very busy with assignment work on nights and weekends.
After shooting for 15 years, Watts wouldn’t give it up for the world. While he loves shooting models or celebrities during the day, his real devotion is shooting the streets and real life. His home in New York provides the perfect place for the urban energy that Watts thrives on and that he is always eager to capture. But Watts is all business when it comes to his assignment shoots. He is dedicated to making his clients happy. Whether it is Nike or Vanity Fair, Watts puts all his skill into making it perfect. “Every shoot needs to be incredible. It isn’t about a single shot, but making the whole great.”
Watts lives and works in New York City.
Emma Roberts


गुरुवार, 11 अक्टूबर 2007

The Youth of today requires more of EQ

We have always taught our kids about the IQ (Intelligence Quotient),which is considered the reason behind successful life.Things have changed and with the changing world,fast paced life,what our youth require today most is EQ (Emotional Quotient).
Restlessness,Passiveness and ambitious are the qualities of the youth today.Why this needs to be changed and social responsibilty is required.
We need to have care and concern for other human being.Youth are the best agents of our society and can help in overcoming problems like terrorism and divide.

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शनिवार, 8 सितंबर 2007

Youth of today is a changed citizen

Youth of today the worldover,is busy building a nation around internet.Young people from age 13 to 25 are engaged either in social networking sites like orkut,facebook,bebo,myyearbook or busy playing games.Gaming is very popular in eastern countries like korea,china,japan and other far eastern countries.
American youth is busy in socialnetworking sites like facebook,myspace,Hi5 while in India,Pakistan,Brazil youth is investing time in orkut.Young people allover the world are spending more time infront of computer than television.They are creating a nation without boundries,language and distance.
A boy sitting in India can chat with someone in mexico.They may be far away but are close in their likings and hobbies.A new breed of kids feeding on socialnetworking sites is creating a market for new products.They are looking beyond national,cultural,religious barriers.
Orkut is a great example,how friends are creating trouble by getting influenced by other internet buddies.
These sites can be used for good purpose or bad purpose.They have to be used carefully and a check is required to make it beneficial for the young mindes.Young people get very easily influenced by their peer group.

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गुरुवार, 6 सितंबर 2007

You can earn money sitting at home

For all young folks,if you know a little bit of writing in any language,you can earn a good amount of money sitting at home using your computer.Google and Blogs have made it possible to translate your writing into earnings for you.
Young people are investing their substancial amount of time on the net.The time is spent either in chatting or games,but here you can make money :
If you know how to write and your blogs get traffic,you can earn money easily.The easy steps to earn money are given below :
1.Register yourself on
Blogspot for making blogs.This is simple,you just need to have a valid email id.Start writing on any topic which you know well and can write about.Publish your blog and see how much traffic you are getting.
2.Register on
webstats4u to count the number of visitors and from which country.This is very helpful in the longrun.Put the html tag on your can track as many blogs as you want,with webstats. 3.Now the most important thing. Open an Adsense Account by regitering at the end of this page.Google adsense accounts makes your blog earn money for you.
4.After this registration process is complete,you need to wait for 1 or 2 days till your adsense account is made active.Now put adsense code or adsense ads on your blog.This is very easy and simple.After doing this,the more traffic you get on your blog the more money you will earn through your blogs.
5.Never ever think using illegal means to earn money on adsense.Never click on your ad.Always check your blog through the preview section of the template of your blog.
Google has ways to check and always follow the rules given in the adsense.
For any more help and getting traffic to your website,email me.

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