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बुधवार, 2 जुलाई 2008

Who is Ben Watts

Born in London fashion and celebrity photographer Ben Watts stumbled upon his love for photography through some elective courses in the Sydney College of Arts. While Watts had initially planned on studying graphic design, he soon got distracted with his camera.
Watts got started while working the door at a night club in Sydney. With so many beautiful faces and notable people, he was able to shop around his portfolio and land work as a photographer. Soon Watts was very busy with assignment work on nights and weekends.
After shooting for 15 years, Watts wouldn’t give it up for the world. While he loves shooting models or celebrities during the day, his real devotion is shooting the streets and real life. His home in New York provides the perfect place for the urban energy that Watts thrives on and that he is always eager to capture. But Watts is all business when it comes to his assignment shoots. He is dedicated to making his clients happy. Whether it is Nike or Vanity Fair, Watts puts all his skill into making it perfect. “Every shoot needs to be incredible. It isn’t about a single shot, but making the whole great.”
Watts lives and works in New York City.
Emma Roberts


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